After a much needed break, I'm back! renewed and incredibly inspired! My far away trip started in LA, where temps were in the high 70's and then NYC, with snow blizzards and temps below zero! Then one more stop in DC where it was even colder than NY!! talking about one extreme to the next!
It was an amazing trip, seeing my loved ones that I had missed so much..I didn't care about snow, rain or earthquakes.(it was a small one) I just wish Greece wasn't so far away...
My journal was with me and every chance I had, I glued in ticket stubs, maps, and all sorts of silly things I gathered from my trip. I actually prepared a brand new one made from an altered childrens' book, before I left. It came real handy when I was at the Zurich airport for five hours! in transit..ughh
Hope you're well my friend and getting ready for Spring!! it's tomorrow and in Greece I saw some orange trees about to bloom! ohhh the fragrance is dreamy!! it reminds me of car trips my dad used to take us to Florida. My sister and I would buy these tiny bottles of orange perfume they sold at tourist stands. I can still remember the fragrance.
Well, it's great to be back, I missed you and my little Daisy :) she got her little gifts from back home, a new pink collar with rhinestones and of course lots of American snackies! which she loved!!