Monday, November 7, 2011

counting sheep

I've always had trouble falling asleep but lately it's been hell. I tried drinking chamomile, warm milk, counting sheep, everything...but sleep! ugh.. How many telemarketing shows can a person watch at 3am?! lol mind you, most of these shows are American, so it's kinda of funny watching them in Greece.. Anyway, my friend (genius) downloaded all these relaxing sounds of falling rain, tide, countryside, wind chimes etc. and to my biggest surprise... it worked!!  I fell sound asleep listening to rain!!  Daisy gets a bit confused, though, because the cd also contains birds chirping right before it starts raining. (she thinks they're in the bedroom)
  So folks, the weather forecast here in Athens calls for.. non stop rain, every night!!  of course, now it makes me wonder...what if this thing gets addictive and I start have withdrawal symptoms if something happens to my cd...or what if it starts raining for real, in the middle of the day? will I fall asleep in my studio?! lol  will I start walking towards my bedroom like a zombie? just a thought...
Hope you have a great week :)) and a big thank you for all your lovely comments and emails. I'm crossing my fingers that I can make it to N.Y.C  for Thanksgiving. ooohhh that would be heaven..


  1. Glad it made you sleep! I just read till I fall asleep, or get up ad start painting! Hope you get home for Thanksgiving. Valerie

  2. Love your sweet paintings
    What a wonderful vacation that would be--Thanksgiving in New York!
    (I HATE insomnia!)

  3. So happy Joanna... you found something that works... and now you have me wondering if you would fall asleep during rain in the
    LOVE your gorgeous painting... seriously too cute...

    Happy zzzz's
    Jenny x

  4. I love the sound of rain! So calming! Hope you can get to New York for Thanksgiving!

  5. My family tends to use fans in the bedrooms for white noise. It helps everyone sleep better. I like this painting it's really cute. I hope you can get back for Thanksgiving.

  6. Beautiful painting and if the cd works each time you have solved your problem, x

  7. I'm sorry you're havig a hard time sleeping :( Your post made me lol though, especially the part about Daisy...& she makes for a lovely sheep :)

    Here's to a good nights rest :hugs:

  8. this is the cutest piece!!!! what a sweet painting!!!! but not being able to sleep that is not good...I am the opposite...I could sleep anytime!!!

  9. You might want to burn a back up cd! Lovely painting!

  10. I absolutely adore this little painting!! So glad you are sleeping!!

  11. Such a darling, sweet painting! Oh, I hope nothing happens to that CD and your get plenty of rest. :)

  12. sleepy time ///love the wall paper//

  13. So beautiful! LOVE this - and glad to hear the CD worked! xoxo


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