Monday, October 1, 2012

happy fall

Wish that was  true, since the temerture here continues as if it's summer...and I really want to start wearing shoes instead of sandals and fall clothes. Lol

This is what I found at my door, when I got back from vacation! Jill, from bois-fleurie send this gorgeous card that I won at her giveaway! It's so pretty with all sorts of tiny bits of fabric and lace sewn on it. I'm going to frame it and hang it in my bedroom :)  Thank you Jill, your work is wonderful!


  1. Loving your latest picture and your beautiful gift Joanna. Swop you the boots for the sandals....xx its pretty cold here

  2. Very pretty card, enjoy! Here it is cool and a bit frosty, wouldn't mind a bit more warmth! Valerie

  3. We are having cool night and warm days and the leaves are turning colors. You will have fall sometime, maybe for now just make more fall art. The card is lovely.

  4. I love this! Jill is the most talented lady, isn't she? She made a lovely doll and it reminded me of ME, and before I knew it, she sent it to me in the mail as a gift. I love the red hair on this girl. I hope you are enjoying the Fall days, Joanna.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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